Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Amino Acid Proline-the New Key to Strong Teeth

Gregory Sawyer, D.C.

Researchers have recently discovered that proline is the amino acid that makes human teeth strong and resilient. A new research, done at University of Illinois at Chicago (College of Dentistry) may offer clues on the ability to engineer new tooth enamel. Tom Diekwisch (the lead author of the study) states: "Proline repeats are amazing. Proline is repeated in the center of proteins found in tooth enamel. When the repeats are long, such as in humans, they contract groups of molecules that help enamel crystals grow. When the repeats are short, such as in frogs, teeth don't have the enamel prisms that provide strength, the researchers explained. Proline repeats hold the key to understanding the structure and function of many natural proteins, including mucins, antifreeze proteins, Alzheimer's amyloid and prion proteins. We hope that one day these findings will help people replace lost parts of the tooth enamel with a healthy layer of new enamel. But the benefits may extend well beyond teeth. We hope that our findings will help many other important areas of scientific research, including the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases." Obviously the above research and findings could someday help scientists engineer tooth enamel.
In the Meantime, Few Healthy Teeth Tips:
1. Pass on the sweets. Too much sugar can cause cavities, yellowing of the teeth and other problems.
2. Brush every morning and night. The rewards are well worth it.
3. Stop smoking. Despite that can be tough for many of you, it's important for your teeth and important for your whole body health.
4. Try to minimize coffee or wine consumption. Drinking a cup of coffee early in the morning is not such a bad habit--just you might want to reconsider cups N 2, 3, and 4. The same rule of immoderacy is related to wine consumption too.
5. Floss regularly. Often times small pieces of food are trapped between your teeth and manage to evade the tooth brush. Eliminate them with regular dental floss.
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, to request an on line or by phone alternative consultation, or a newly written article that can suit your business purposes, please call: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Feel Better in Body and Mind......

Gregory Sawyer, D. C.

With the economic downturn, the growth of depression and anxiety, as well as the intensity, duration, and frequency of the worry in general are getting disproportionate to the issue, and it is often to a degree that disrupts or impairs normal physical and psychological functioning. Anxiety is often accompanied by mild to moderate depression as well as a number of physical symptoms including muscle tension, increased blood pressure, GI discomfort, fatigue, insomnia, and irritability. Anxiety is believed to affect about 15% of the adults in the United States (an estimated 19 million adult Americans), thus making it more common than any other category of mental health disorders.
In the field of psychology, anxiety is broken down into five categories of disorders:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Panic Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Phobias – either Social or Specific1
Many conditions (symptoms, syndromes and diseases) are direct result and a consequence of a general neurotransmitters’ imbalance. Inadequate or imbalanced neurotransmitter levels can result in disrupted or distorted signals between neurons. In recent years, research has shown that lowered levels of serotonin may be responsible for depression, insomnia, addiction, obsessive or compulsive disorders, PMS, obesity, and anxiety. Multiple literature trials are publishing data on the probability that neurotransmitter imbalances can trigger ADHD, ADD, Chronic muscle/joint pain, Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive/ compulsive behaviors, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Recurrent diarrhea/constipation or mixture), Migraines, Obesity, Insomnia, Hypertension, Fibromyalgia Many apparently dissimilar conditions can have a common underlying neurotransmitter imbalance[s].
The Nervous System is considered the main body’s information processor and without it, our body is unable to function properly. The Central Nervous System (CNS) is the body’s main info-headquarter, ultimately regulating nearly all body functions. The Brain – is the main processor of all incoming information from within and outside the body, through sensory nerves of sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste. Is where thinking and decision-making takes place, and where language, emotions, memories, and thoughts are stored. The Spinal Cord – is a tube that extends about 18 inches down the body spinal column and the main pathway for connecting the brain and the peripheral nervous system. By means of electrical impulses it allows the brain to communicate with the rest of the body.
The Peripheral Nervous System includes cranial nerves (nerves emerging from the brain), spinal nerves (nerves emerging from the spinal cord) and all the major sense organs. It responses to the reminder of human reactions and includes: The Somatic Nervous System (SNS) – Responsible for all muscular activities that we consider voluntary or that are within our conscious control. The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) – Responsible for all activities that occur automatically and involuntarily, such as breathing, muscle contractions within the digestive system, and heartbeat. The components of the ANS work together to create a balanced response to outside stimuli. The ANS includes: A) The Sympathetic System – Stimulates all cells and organs’ function Once initiated, it speeds up the “flight or fight” reaction by speeding heart rate, increases the activity of the sweat and adrenal glands, slows down the digestive system and sends blood to the skin and muscles. B) The Parasympathetic System – Inhibits cell and organ function, it slows down heart rate, resumes digestion, and increases relaxation throughout the body. This parasympathetic “rest and digest” response counteracts the sympathetic “fight or flight” response and helps the body recuperate after a crisis is over. A person's normal resting heart rate is determined by the parasympathetic system. If blood pressure is too high or blood carbon dioxide levels are too low, this system slows the heart down and lowers its output.
What Causes an Unhealthy Neurological System?
Poor Diet – Malnutrition, bad digestion and low absorption can cause vitamin, mineral and amino acid deficiencies affect the neurological system’s ability to function effectively. This may lead to certain levels of neurological impairment such as mental confusion, loss of concentration, ADD, ADHD, depression anxiety etc.
Stress – Chronic elevated stress with constant negative thinking can wreak havoc on the neurological system. Over time, chronic stress can trigger mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, and obsessive compulsive disorder leading to various serious degenerative diseases as a consequence.
Toxicity- Heavy metals such as aluminum, lead, and mercury accumulate in the brain. Multiple studies are examining possible link between high levels of toxic metals and severe neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (due to aluminum and mercury exposure), autism (due to mercury exposure); antisocial and behavioral disorders (due to lead exposure) and many others. It is already proven that a chronic low level but long-term exposure to pesticides has measurable effects on cognition.
Chronic and Acute Infections- Infections caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi are mainly responsible for serious neurologic symptoms. Candida overgrowth can impair neurological functions and it may lead to brain fog, depression, obesity, ADD and many others. Other illnesses that affect neurological function include bacterial and viral meningitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the spinal cord and the brain). Untreated infection with Treponema pallidum in the past could cause neurological impairment and stroke-like symptoms.
What can you do to restore the Nervous System’s equilibrium?
Eat organic foods and practice organic gardening to avoid pesticide exposure.
Follow a well balanced diet. There are many things you can do to support the healthy functioning of your neurological system.
Add whole foods – Fill your diet with nutrient-rich whole foods such as organic nuts and seeds, bright berries, and dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, parsley, cilantro, and oregano.
Saturated fats – Although saturated fats have a bad reputation, they are actually essential for fat-soluble vitamin delivery to the body, and a host of other body processes. In fact, 60% of the brain is made up of saturated fat. A good source of saturated fat to add to your diet is organic virgin coconut oil.
Include more omega-3 essential fatty acids – Studies have shown that countries (like Japan) that eat a diet rich in omega 3 have lower rates of major depression. Obtain your omega-3 from different sources: wallnuts, flax seeds and flax oil, fish and fish oil.
Consume Tryptophan rich foods – This essential amino acid can be obtained from the diet or through supplementing with tryptophan. 5-HTP, an advanced form of tryptophan, helps the body produce serotonin and melatonin which play a role in mood regulation and quality sleep. Consider adding foods to your diet that contain tryptophan: Turkey; Beans; Whole grain rice; Hummus; Lentils; Hazelnuts; Sesame and sunflower seeds
Use light therapy to regulate Seasonal Depression and to restore mood and circadian rhythms
Exercise. Following a daily physical exercise program that really makes you sweat. Sweat helps the body release toxins from its system.
Incorporate “brain fitness” activities into your daily routine by challenging your mind. Some examples include crossword puzzles, hobbies, reading, socializing with friends, etc.
Consider chelation therapy for heavy metals removal. It is approved for lead and other heavy metals intoxication.
Eliminate the mercury amalgam feelings as mercury easily accumulates in brain cells. Also, mercury in the body damages immune cells, which then lose their ability to ward off invaders like Candida.
Reduce your exposure to aluminum. Drink filtered or purified water. Switch to stainless steel cookware instead of aluminum pots and pans. Switch to aluminum-free deodorant. Breastfeed your baby. Avoid soy formula as it contains the most aluminum.
Try to avoid as much as possible: a) Alcohol, caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks that contain extra caffeine and sugary foods; b) Refined sugars may contribute to Candida albicans (yeast) overgrowth; c) Artificial sweeteners are known as neuro (brain) excitotoxins; d) Nitrites found in processed foods such as hot dogs, lunch meats, and bacon; e) Partially hydrogenated oils found in many processed baked goods and snack foods; f) Deep-fried food, fast food, and junk food, which contain trans-fats.
In order to help you to achieve neurotransmitters’ equilibrium the Natural Health & Wellness Center protocols are assuring:
Energy Boost
- Supports the health of your mitochondria, the little energy factories in every one of your cells, to reduce fatigue, boost your energy and quicken your mental functioning.
Improved Mood & Behavior - Helps to stabilize your mood, promote happiness and reduce irritability, anxiousness, stress and fatigue.
Sounder Sleep - Supporting proper hormone levels and neurotransmitters may lead to experience peaceful nights of deep, uninterrupted, pleasant sleep. Sleep is a critical part of your body's internal repair process and without proper sleep, your health may suffer.
Faster Thinking Speed - Promotes optimal levels of hormones and neurotransmitters to sharpen your thinking speed and improve your focus, memory, concentration and motivation.
Immune System Support - The immune support kit consists of powerful phytonutrients that help regulate your immune response and support immune function. This appears to play a crucial role in cardiovascular, neurological, joint, and connective tissue health.
Optimized Digestion - To have a healthy brain, you must have a healthy gut. Less that optimal gut function and improper digestion of food may lead to a host of problems. This kit offers the additional support you need to optimize your digestion, thus enhancing your mood, behavior, and cognition.
Enhanced Detoxification - Supports your detoxification pathways to eliminate many of the toxins that are a result of toxic exposures that can have an extremely detrimental effect on your brain, mood, memory and behavior.
Calm Mind - Supports proper adrenal function, which can lead to a calm, relaxed, vibrantly awake state of mind.
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, please call and require a personal consultation:
(715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Few Important Powerhouses for Prostate Support

Greg Sawyer, D. C.

African Pygeum (Prunus africana), also known as Pygeum africanum, or just Pygeum, is an evergreen African plum tree native to higher elevations of southern Africa. It has been found statistically beneficial in benign prostate hyperplasia (BHP). BPH implies two major prostate changes: increased size and increase tissue density of the gland, what causes symptoms of frequent urge to urinate with incomplete emptying, reduced prostatic secretions, edema, inflammation, chronic infection of the bladder and even, prostatic cancer. The herb was imported centuries ago from Africa to Europe since the 1700s. Since 1960s, it has been extracted and standardized as herbal extract in Europe. The use of this herb in US is relatively new phenomena.
Pygeum is primarily used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), a condition which affects men as early as their 40s, but increasingly with age: 30% of fifty year olds; 50% of sixty year olds; and nearly 80% of men 70 and older. The tree's bark contains pharmaceutically active oils, waxes, fatty acids, and other less active and familiar compounds.
Pygeum’s principal biological activity is traced to a compound known as a phytosterol - beta-sitosterol. Phytosterols are almost structurally similar to cholesterol, but less efficiently absorbed from the diet. The biological action and strength of Phytosterols are similar to that of hormones- therefore, a very small amount seems sufficient to initiate a response.
Main mechanism of action consists:
· Anti-inflammatory: thus reducing prostate edema (the swelling caused by an excess of fluids).
· Improving and normalizing prostatic secretion.
· Normalizing and reducing hyper-prolactin production.
· Lowers and reduces cholesterol production and activity within the prostate.
· Regulating insulin activity and glucose intolerance
· Up regulating or improving the immune system.
Due to missing direct anti-inflammatory effect the herb is not found active in cases of acute or chronic prostatitis that are mainly caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Neiseria Gonorrhea, or Chlamydia. Thus, it can be used with random success in cases of sexual dysfunction (erection problems), infertility etc. At the same time the herb can help while taken with antibiotics as it produces an improved urine flow, as well as sexual function.
Saw palmetto: also known as (Serenoa repens, Serenoa serrulata, and Sabal). It is another botanical used for centuries in Europe, for initial and moderate form of BHP. Nowadays, Saw palmetto is under constant research. It helps decreasing the prostate benign hypertrophy. A team of authors found out that prostatic volume was significantly decreased during a trial with the herb (Blumenthal et al., 1998). No serious side effects were ever reported.
In a study by Braeckman (July 1994) named The Extract of Serenoa Repens in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Multicenter Open Study,238 patients were using the herb for a month, and only 3% admitted limited gastrointestinal symptoms or any side effects at all. As the author states- the effect of saw palmetto begins after 30 to 45 days what is an obvious advantage over the most currently available drugs as Finasteride, for which delays may be as high as six to 12 months.
Another team of authors conclusions, reviewed in the Cochrane issue 2 (Ishani & MacDonald, 2003) provides mild to moderate improvement in urinary symptoms and flow measures. Serenoa repens produced similar improvement in urinary symptoms and flow compared to finasteride and is associated with fewer adverse treatment events. The long term effectiveness, safety and ability to prevent BPH complications are not known."
Zinc. Zinc may help your body heal faster as it promotes a strong and healthy immune system. New emerging evidence is also starting to show zinc's benefits in prostate health. As shown in a study, zinc is required for normal testosterone and sperm production, what is also essential to a healthy sex life. It is also shown that the helated form of zinc can be absorbed easier by the body.
Vitamin E and Selenium.All natural vitamin E (alpha, beta, and gamma) seems to be a powerful ally for complete prostate health. And selenium works in synergism with vitamin E to protect not only all body cells, but also prostate as they are also potent antioxidants.
Lycopene. Antioxidants are chemicals that fight free radicals, which are suspected to start all kinds of acute and chronic degenerative diseases. While all antioxidants are helpful for prevention and healing, lycopene has been shown to have direct tropism for a good prostate health and prevention.
Pumpkin Seed Oil. Pumpkin seed oil is a natural holistic prostate powerhouse used by European countries like Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine to support prostate health and promote urinary flow. Pumpkin seeds are a powerful antioxidant with strong anti-inflammatory properties. They contain zinc, free fatty acids, vit E and Phytosterols that might be the reason for their general prostate health benefits.
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). It is a key nutrient for good prostate health, because it can reduce the amount of free (active) testosterone circulating in the blood that is able to convert in DHT and estrogen. In the human body there is an enzyme called - aromatase that helps the above not beneficial conversion. Nettle helps to inhibit aromatase, one of the enzymes responsible for testosterone conversion to estrogens. It’s leafs and also the roots contain certain vital Phytosterols (betasitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol) and multiple lignans.
All of the above botanicals seem to work in synergism. Synergistic supplements may facilitate benefits. One report advised dietary adjustments to enhance beneficial result. No unfavorable interactions were noted.

If you would like to learn more on the above topic, please call and require a personal consultation: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Holistic Recommendations for Sexual Dysfunction

Greg Sawyer, D. C.

As we approach our 30's and 40's, profound hormonal changes begin to take place in our bodies. Testosterone levels for both- men and women as well as levels of progesterone and estrogens in women tend to begin diminishing with age. We take it as a part of the normal aging process. A clinical study (1986) proved that it's not actually the total testosterone production that decreases but rather, the amount of free circulating testosterone ratio in blood that decreases. The explanation behind this is the following: as we age more and more of this free testosterone gets linked to albumin and becomes unavailable in the blood circulation for proper body's use. These changes happen in connection with a natural substance called "sex-hormone-binding-globulin" (SHBG).
Hormones are our body chemical messengers. They connect with receptors in cells and send them information. Adrenaline and noradrenalin known as the hormones of stress, are produced by the adrenals and tell the heart to speed up and blood vessels to narrow (in time of elevated stress) - the so called "fight or flight" pattern. Testosterone and estrogens, on the other hand, promote specific secondary (phenotypic) sexual characteristics that divide us to females and males.
Hormones influence and enhance our immune system also. Anyone can face that most of the chronic degenerative diseases happen to be diagnosed when women are premenstrual or menopausal and when men are in their andropause. A clinical study (1986) proved that it's not actually the total testosterone production that decreases with aging but rather, the amount of free circulating testosterone ratio that goes down. The explanation behind this is the following: as we age big part of our free testosterone gets bound to albumin and becomes unavailable in the blood circulation for proper body's use. These changes happen in connection with a natural substance called "sex-hormone-binding-globulin" (SHBG).
The hormonal relationship and obesity is shown also in HERS study published in JAMA (2000). The hyperinsulinemia in women has been shown to stimulate the release of testosterone from the ovaries (HERS study). It is a well known fact that people who are obese are suffering from this disorder regardless of whether they eat normally, excessively, or less than normal. At the same moment it is quite obvious that there are people who are constantly overeating but are free of the above disorder. It is easy to conclude that obesity in all its multiple forms is due to an abnormal damage in the hypothalamic area of the brain- a center that is the main regulatory mechanism of a hunger, thirst and the sexual desire.
The main reason for erectile dysfunction is the low level of testosterone production and mainly the low level of free testosterone in the blood. There are many different reasons, including obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure (all parts of the metabolic syndrome pattern), or having antihypertensive drugs to cope with the above problem, general depression combined with fear of failure in sexual performance, chronic use of antidepressive drugs, diminished nerve sensitivity, poor blood circulation with diminished blood flow due to a slowed heart rate and many others that are responsible for significant problems in that area. Whether physical or emotional, organic or psychosomatic your reasons might be you may start working with your doctor and to find exactly where the problems occurs and how you can cope with it.
If hormonal imbalance is not properly or timely addressed, the hormonal changes can lead to:
Depression and Anxiety
Decreased vital energy or zest for life
Loss of muscle tone and increased fat
Circulatory problems
Decreased libido
Dry skin and preliminary aging
Testosterone is a hormone produced in both-- males and females and it is responsible for:
The sexual desire in both females and males
Maintaining our energy levels high
Emotions including anger
For the level of sexual satisfaction
Building muscles
Burning off fat
Holistic Recommendations for Sexual Dysfunction
In case you are hormonally in disbalance, botanicals as Saw Palmetto, Wild Oats, Tribulus Terrestris, Muira puama, Wild oats, Nettles, Eleutherococcus, Saw palmetto, Sarsaparilla, Catuaba, Damiana, Kola nut, Ginger and Nettles may reverse this process naturally by increasing free testosterone levels.Again, you must remember that only the free available in the circulation testosterone will execute the above effects and functions while the total testosterone will offer partial and even mistaken information. A new research had shown increases in sex hormone-binding globulin levels with oral contraceptive use to be associated with a concomitant 40% to 60% decrease in free testosterone levels in women. Lowered levels of bioavailable or free testosterone are believed to play a major role in women's sexual health also and could place women at risk for decreased sexual desire, decreased arousal, decreased lubrication and increased sexual pain.
Saw Palmetto has been proven to help men in two ways: (1) Saw palmetto has been proven to inhibit the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, which causes testosterone to be converted into a substance called "dihydrotestosterone" (DHT), which stimulates the growth of prostate tissue, being also responsible for male alopecia also, and (2) Saw palmetto has been proven to exert an anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate tissue. We must remember that SHBG binds not only testosterone, but also all of the sex hormones including estradiol (one of the "active" estrogens found in both men and women). Normally, this binding serves as a warehouse (storage) system for excess hormones, but in men there is an additional problem. SHBG also has an affinity for the prostate tissue (it can bind the estrogen to the cell membranes in the prostate). This causes an increase in PSA secretion-a prime test-marker for future prostate problems, including cancer. It has been found that the wild oats and nettles found in a herbal testosterone balancing formula work together to reverse this binding process, thereby reducing the likelihood of future prostate problems.
Astonishingly enough, women seem far more vulnerable to testosterone level changes than men. The reason is simple: women have less testosterone production and too many other hormones to balance (estrogens and progesterone). When even a small amount of their available testosterone gets bound to SHBG, the results are the following:
Loss of energy and stamina
General depression and loss of desire to do whatever
Loss of motivation or interest in sexual relation
Complete loss of libido or fulfillment from sex
Loss of muscle and significant increase in body fat -- the main reason women who used to be slim and who start gaining weight after their 40's. The decline of testosterone in women is considered as one of the reasons for metabolic syndrome appearance in advanced age. And in fact most of the women who were slim while being young face metabolic syndrome in their premenstrual and postmenopausal ages.
A significant increase in the risk of breast cancer- since bound SHBG is not longer available to lock up excessive amount of estrogens. It was been proven that regular use of a women's herbal testosterone formula may help balancing and even reversing the above condition.
As a final conclusion: testosterone balancing herbal formulas work naturally in both men and women to enhance sexual desire, sensation, and performance. Both men and women may experience an increase in sexual desire while taking wild oats & nettles. Both men and women have been reported to have good level of satisfection while taking the wild oats and nettles combination.
Adrenal Hormones
Also by the time we are 30, most of us have seriously depleted our adrenals correlated with the body's ability to respond to stress. Stress is normal to be sure, but the continual stress of modern living -- from high pressure jobs, fighting traffic, worrying about world events, etc. -- keeps us in a constant state of "heightened response" that eventually wipes out our adrenal reserves. The net result ranges from high blood pressure and impaired immune function to chronic fatigue and digestive problems. The standard response is to increase consumption of artificial stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine or alcohol -- and even overeating. These "solutions" are, in fact, no solution at all. Although they may temporarily mask the symptoms of adrenal exhaustion by providing an artificial "boost," they serve to further exhaust the adrenals leading to irrevocable harm to the body. Fortunately, there is a class of herbs known as adaptogens that naturally helps to rebuild adrenal function and restore hormonal balance.
Foremost among the adaptogens isginseng. Ginseng has been shown to:
Increase stamina
Revitalize your body
Increase your life span
Counteract chronic fatigue
Improve resistance to stress
Improve sexual function
Enhance immune function
The Bottom Line is that: We Need to Balance our Hormones with Age. Every single man and women over 30 who suffers of sexual dysfunction should seriously consider hormonal replacing or hormonal balancing program. In addition to using progesterone crème to help balance progesterone and estrogen levels, both men and women should rebalance their testosterone by a formula, which must contain:
Men’s Formula should contain the following botanicals: Ginseng, Tribulus Terrestris, Muira puama, Wild oats, Nettles, Eleutherococcus, Saw palmetto, Sarsaparilla, Catuaba, Damiana, Kola nut, and Ginger. In addition to all of the empowering sexual libido benefits, Saw palmetto and Muira puama have both been proven to inhibit -- and in some cases even reverse male pattern baldness.
Women’s Formula should offer the herbs: AmericanGinseng,Damiana, Muira puama, Mucuna pruriens Siberian ginseng, Saw palmetto, Wild oats, Nettles, Kola nut, Ginger, Wild yam, Licorice, Sarsaparilla, and Puncture Weed. For women, in addition to all of the other benefits that have been mentioned, some of the herbs in this formula have also been proven to help alleviate the symptoms of PMS and menopause and to inhibit the incidence of breast cancer.
If you are interested to learn more about our prostate formula you may check our supplement chart or call (715) 392-7591 for further information.
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, please call and require a personal consultation: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to Prepare for the Upcoming Winter?

Gregory Sawyer, D. C.
Cooler weather is already at hand, and with it, we must be prepaired for all its negative surprises: fall allergies, colds, flu, weight gain (due to immobilization) and many others. A great way for our bodies to become prepaired is by performing light detoxing. Balance our GI tract, while empowering our immune system to handle all the upcoming fall challenges. Most people will feel a little drained of energy because of the body's getting adapted to the another winter season. You may also review the Dietary Guidelines of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services (created in 1980) for people to promote good health and prevent disease.
Here are few holistic ideas for your consideration:
1. Do light detoxing
2. Eat for health and prevention by eating a plentiful variety of foods
3. Maintain healthy weight and take a sensible approach to weight loss
4. Choose a diet low in: fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and simple carbs
5. Avoid all artificial sweeteners
6. Select the Rainbow Diet or the Mediterranean diet as your main options
7. Choose a diet rich of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Add fiber to your diet
8. Restrict sugar and eat sugary foods in moderation
9. Use salt and sodium in moderation
10. Drink alcohol in moderation, if you drink
11. Learn to manage stress. Educate yourself to relax and to elicit relaxation responses
12. Develop an active lifestyle that includes a variety of activities. Exercise and keep body awareness
13. Learn to cope with life challenges and educate yourself on problem solving. Try cognitive restructuring
14. Apply the power of pleasure and humor
15. Improve your sleep habits
16. Add a good multivitamin/multimineral to reassure your natural immune defense and/or to avoid common nutritional deficiencies
17. Add a good Probiotic/Prebiotic formula (to reassure natural support for a healthy GI tract and for proper immune system function)
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, please call and require a personal consultation: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Addressing the Hyperventilation Syndrome

Gregory Sawyer, D. C.

"Hyperventilation syndrome" is not a respiratory disease but a psychological or emotional disorder. The term hyperventilation simply means to breathe more than necessary. It is caused by anxiety or a panic attack due to major traumatic event- catastrophe, loss of a relative, posttraumatic disorder due to operation, war and others. Although is not life-threatening, it can lead to a significant secondary anxiety and fear while decreasing the oxygenation to the brain, heart and other important organs. Despite not frequent, the hyperventilation syndrome is quite scary and staying calm is the most important approach to control it.
Common symptoms:
1. Numbness and tingling in the fingers and lips.
2. Spasms in the hands and feet are.
3. Cold chills or hot ways.
4. Erratic or even dangerous behavior.
5. Chest pains.
What one can do?
1. Try to calm down. You already recognize the syndrome and staying calm is the best way to manage it to its best.
2. Try to breath slowly and deeply while try to keep your breath as longer as possible- then exhale and hold another breath.
3. If you have someone around you inform him/her on your problem. His calming voice will reflect your proper serenity and calmness.
4. Go outside and take a fresh air. Staying safe or not working around sharp or electrical objects is the best way to reassure you.
5. Do not follow the frequently seen on line advice to breathe in a paper bag as it is shown on our pictures as it may increase dangerously the CO2 levels.
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, please call and require a personal consultation: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.

Holistic Ideas for CFS Improvement

Greg Sawyer, D. C.

Nutritional support. Avoid sugar and increase water because the hormone that holds on to water is low. Most people find a high-protein diet feels better than a high-carb diet, but everybody is different with that. Except for sugar, it is most important that people eat what makes them feel good, because there’s no one diet that’s right for everybody. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants daily.
Adrenal support: Assure 8-9 h night sleep. You body produces hormones when you sleep. Americans are fat, as they do not sleep enough. Seven hours are not enough for our overtired bodies, as they are extremely overstressed and malnourished.
Hormonal support: Hormonal support is very important and you should know that blood tests are hopelessly unreliable. With the ages thyroid is getting low (hypothyroid) and if people are tired and achy, constantly depressed, cold and hot intolerant, or suffer from unreasonable weight gain they have low thyroid (hypothyroidism). Most of the people with CFS are suffering from low thyroid, without even knowing or being diagnosed.
Generally, it’s better to use the natural hormones than the synthetic ones because they’re the same thing that the body makes and recognizes. Then you need adrenal support. The adrenals are the major stress handler organ in the human body. Whereas the thyroid gland is like the conductor or body’s barometer that informs how much energy you’re making. With the daily stress we exhaust our adrenal glands, and some of the main reasons are that we are depressed, stressed, eating without nourishment, not sleeping well, under constant hypoglycemic events. Fortunately, there are natural adrenal hormones and glandular available for a CFS help. One can use natural (bioavailable) hormones safely and without limits. Sexual hormone deficiency needs to be treated in both women and men.
Reduce the extreme stress on your body and mind. Never forget to relax, to laugh or to enjoy life. Learn meditation, Tai-Bo, Tai-Chi, relaxing techniques, biofeedback, positive imagery.
Exercise. Walking on a daily basis is what each one of us needs to be healthy and that is a vital minimum to help our lymph to cleanse and the blood circulation to run throughout our body. This is what can heal your metabolic disturbances.....
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, please call and require a personal consultation:
(715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.